The 6:20 Man by David Baldacci


Characters: Travis Devine, Sara Ewes, Bradley Cowl, Jennifer Stamos, 

Plot: An ex-military serviceman retires from the force with honours to take up a career in a company on Wall Street as a financial analyst- as his penance for mysterious circumstances during his service to his nation's safety all across the world. 
Suddenly, Travis gets to know of his co-worker's suicide earlier than everyone else, from a mysterious email at work. This pushes this man into being tasked by a clandestine military agency to investigate a full-blown national conspiracy regarding his boss, the filthy rich Bradley Cowl.

Opinion: Honestly, this book is the first Baldacci novel I've read and I really think it was good because of the nail-biting suspense and mystery behind each story. 
This book makes me think of a modern Agatha Christie novel, coming from someone who was obsessed with Hercule Poirot's mysteries. 


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